Wednesday, April 8, 2009

dear mom,

i am not afraid to travel to bicol.
if i do die, i know where i would go.
and i also know that GOD will take care of
those who are dear to me...
even though it may be hard.
don't fear.
and if i live,
i'll see you in a month.
waffles? wraps? sour cream?
and i'll make you some sinigang soup.
love you much,
your daughter in the philippines,
robynn connie


Anonymous said...

God bless you Robynn for such a big heart! I will pray for your safety!

Eunice said...

Oh my dear Roby,
I'm not afraid for you to die...a mom couldn't be prouder of a passionate about Jesus...more afraid of you being captured and tortured...but even then, I know'd be witnessing and loving every chance you got. hang on girl! I love you incredibly! MOM

Eunice said...

Hey...the waffle iron is hot, the wraps are waiting and the sour cream is...ah...the sour cream is...oh you know. there will be lots for you.

Eunice said...

So glad we got to talk last nite...
Been praying for safety against rebels.
I guess you could call satan and his forces "rebels"...trying to do away with you in the ocean...
God is mighty to save, He will delight in you, He will rejoice over you with singing, He will quiet you with His love... and HE woke your dad to pray for you...pretty cool.
Counting the days...26...