Sunday, January 4, 2009

Without Condition

Unconditional love.
I'm learning what this means....
I really believe that in any relationship, there can't be any selfishness.
If there is, there's going to be problems.
If there is unconditional love -
meaning: it doesn't matter what you choose to do, I will always love you -
that's where relationships grow and thrive.
"Wife and husband must be more than lovers. Must be comrades, soldiers fighting side by side for the same great cause."
"Wife and husband should not only lie down face-to-face, but stand up shoulder to shoulder. They must face together the worst Satan can do to them. And when they draw strength from God, He binds them together." -Randy Alcorn
I want to learn this love.
Today, as I am with my Filipino friends serving God.
In a couple months, when I return home, back to my friends and family who I miss.
In the future when I find my second love - my husband.
And even further when I am years into marriage and deep friendships,
even when things get tough and people fail me...
I want to learn to love without condition.
I want to learn selflessness...
for the sake of those I love.
For the sake of Christ.


Dennis said...

Robynn Connie, I see you are letting god teach you much. Sweet!
blessings and peace

Unknown said...

I just opened this- did not know dennis posted. But My Sweet Robynn, This has spoken to me more than you could ever know. I want to give this love, too, for I received it today! Many Blessings my sweet friend.